Our Boat & Yacht Monitoring Solution
Why you need it.
The IoT Marine helps you safe-guard your Boat or Yacht. Apart from acting as a Security System which supports different sensors such as Smoke, PIR, and Door - it can also provide monitoring of Battery Voltages, Float Sensors, and the AC Shore Power.
The real-time E-Mail and SMS notifications put your mind at rest, removing the need to constantly check your boat's parameters. Additional sensors may also be bought separately.
The included Online Dashboard and Mobile Application makes it easier to check your boat's status anytime and anywhere.

We at IoT Solutions Ltd, take the security of the boat very seriously. This is why we offer security system that can put your mind at rest.
Monitor your boat, view it's system status, and be instantly notified of any alerts.

How can our Smart Marine sensor benefit you?
Ensure the security of your boat or yacht

Peace of Mind
Ensure the peace of mind and the safety and security of your boat.

Instant Notifications
Be instantaneously alerted for any type of detection.

Ease of Installation
Installation of device is very simple and requires minimal efforts.

Safeguard Battery Health
Battery banks are continuously monitored ensuring if damage occurs, the system instantly notifies you.

Automated Payments
Payment can be made automatically through the online platform or mobile application.
Want to read more in depth about this smart solution?
Experience the IoT Marine Solution

Purchase a demo kit
Consisting of Hardware & Software, a demo kit gives you first hand experience of our product
Full commercial support to leverage all the system benefits for your activity
Full technical support from our experts will be provided
Monitor performance and technical parameters of our hardware
Witness firsthand, the functionality of our optional software