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Our guide to a sure successful IoT journey

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

An IoT journey is not necessarily a clear and smooth one, but you will love the results. We will give you a few tips on dealing with it.

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Knowledge and awareness of IoT solutions are increasing through fairs, word of mouth, or marketing promotions. There are a variety of IoT solutions available today, all of which are ready to solve many problems businesses face daily. Connectivity is increasingly acclaimed as one of the main contributors to the improvement and innovation of company systems. Choosing which scenario applies to your needs is not necessarily straightforward.

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Successfully managing a system is often complex, and issues usually need to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently. Also, as your connectivity grows, more devices will mean more data. At this point, a business needs to go into deep analytics to get better insights into how devices perform. These are the days for big data.

Technologies are getting better each day. You will need smart solutions, analytics, and expert advice along the way to keep ahead of the competition. IoT solutions give insights into who is controlling so the process, making it better as a result. In turn, you will spend money more wisely while lessening material waste. So, where do you start?

The start of an IoT journey.

The Internet of Things is a challenging technological market with an increasingly great demand for professional solutions to various problems. That is why solutions need to be tailored to the client's needs, whether these are industries, businesses, or smart cities. An IoT device gives you more control over the system thanks to real-time updates and IoT data collected. This data enables you to optimize your costs and possibly explore new revenue streams.

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Choosing the wrong kind of technology is risky, and you could realize later that you could have done the process with fewer costs and saved a lot of resources and effort. On the other hand, choosing the right IoT company is key to whether an IoT project is successful or not. Working with a non-experienced company may result in a prolonged process, whereas experienced companies will ensure that process runs smoothly as possible.


Let's plan your IoT Journey!

An IoT journey is not necessarily a clear and smooth one, but we at IoT Solutions Ltd can help you get through it. You will love the results!

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Why use IoT solutions.

What is the Internet of Things? IoT is a network of interconnected digital endpoints such as connected devices, networks, servers, IoT applications, Etc., all communicating with each other. The 'things' that make-up IoT systems all share a common trait - they are IoT devices with the ability to transfer sensor data over a network, whether in a wireless way or with an Ethernet cable, and then processed through edge computing. In simple terms, IoT is when the device sends information on the internet.

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As technology advances, the question is increasingly not, 'what can you connect' but rather, 'why should you connect'. Different devices are connected for various purposes, whether home security systems or industrial IoT. Some IoT examples are sensors located within agricultural soils, parking sensors fixed to the ground, bins equipped with sensors monitoring waste levels, asset trackers, humidity and temperature sensors, and air quality sensors.

One of the main advantages of an IoT system is that it gives users real-time updates. With a good monitoring system in place, it is possible to get to know about issues as they happen. This advantage starkly contrasts with the past system by which news of a problem would arrive through word of mouth if ever told or manual monitoring, which might take days. In both cases, delays could easily have led to an escalation of the problem, with action too late.

Finding the right IoT solution.

IoT is consistently being developed to tackle specific needs across all sectors. This is critical in a world dominated by machine learning algorithms, which constantly demand faster, smarter, and more profitable enterprises. Every business faces its difficulties. Therefore, the solution needs to be tailored accordingly.

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An IoT journey normally starts with a problem, a manual process that can be transformed into something much more efficient by being connected to a system. What IoT does is digitalize certain processes, along with monitoring and control.

The idea starts from a situation where a problem is significantly impacting a company. There is still a tendency that a business will seek traditional alternatives to technological advances. The skepticism around IoT devices can range from security concerns to adversity towards innovative solutions about which information is not clear enough.

One traditional solution might be to employ more people, but this comes at a cost. IoT solutions might initially involve an initial cost, but in the long run, this may be much lower when compared to others. With persuasion and the right information, the business will consider asking if there is the right solution to their problem.

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There are many IoT applications for a variety of problems. After deciding to go for an IoT solution, the next thing to do is to contact a specialized IoT company that will analyze your situation and, through its experience, will suggest a suitable technology from start to finish - which technology, which device, its limitations, IoT security issues, etc. A company looking for digital solutions needs to find an IoT company that is an expert in these processes, making them digital.

Once the solution is identified, a pilot project is carried out - so for example, if you have 100 sites, you do a project for five areas - see that software and hardware work, the system works, and objectives are met when the project is scaled to the whole thing.


Let's discuss your needs!

Enjoying the article but want to know even more? We at IoT Solutions Ltd will help your business grow further and efficiently! Contact us to know more.

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The challenges of IoT.

The right support will ensure you get the most from your IoT journey, proving value for your money. Which technologies to deploy and unpredictable connectivity issues might be just a few of the challenges you can face in your IoT journey. Any implemented system, not one needs proper maintenance and has to be cost-effective. It also needs to make sense commercially. A system needs to solve problems that cost much more than the actual system.

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Once an IoT solution has been implemented, a monitoring and maintenance process begins, according to a maintenance agreement. A yearly fee ensures that someone from that IoT company will handle the matter once a problem arises. That IoT company has to ensure that issues are dealt with, and everything is back in operation swiftly and efficiently so that the client does not lose the services and advantages it paid for, for a prolonged period.

An IoT project faces many challenges, one being the challenge of people or what we could call a social challenge. Not everyone is open to technology and might be inclined to sabotage a project for their interests. Technology might shed light on situations in which some people would have preferred to stay in the dark. With IoT solutions such as parking sensors, for example, the propensity for abusive parking is greatly reduced, and proper enforcement has increased. A successful IoT project will result in more transparency. Overall, smart technologies help improve citizen security, increase the efficiency of public management, and promote transparency in government decisions.

Create a successful IoT system.

IoT is a continuous improvement process involving monitoring, increased efficiency, and better customer service. As with all that is digital, the Internet of Things is always improving, and the combination of super-fast connectivity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and huge amounts of data will give rise to new powerful technological innovations, leading to the rise of IoT 2.0.

Whether companies can take advantage of these innovations and gain the edge over their competitors remains to be seen. It will be critical for manufacturers to invest in IT equipment to support specialist industrial applications while seamlessly integrating the technology into their processes.

The good news is that if you have carefully considered your options and started implementing technologies, products, and services strategically, the process should get easier along the way. Good monitoring will ensure that everything you have built will work like a well-oiled machine.

The success factor in IoT is the solving of direct and indirect costs. Money spent is an investment, and the fruit of that investment is seen at a later stage. That is how your company gets more competitive and perhaps can engage in business that in the past it could not.


Are you ready to START?

We at IoT Solutions Ltd can help you get through your IoT journey in a smooth efficient way. You will love the results and reap the benefits!

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